Yesterday, we had the distinct pleasure of having a special visitor to our tasting room – Lisa from Tinkerville, Ontario. Lisa shares a piece of our heart because she loves our [...]
Yesterday, we had the distinct pleasure of having a special visitor to our tasting room – Lisa from Tinkerville, Ontario. Lisa shares a piece of our heart because she loves our [...]
Our drink of the week is actually leaving our menu after this week – it was one of the most popular during the spring, but it is time to say goodbye for now. Stop by for one this weekend [...]
This week’s drink is an early favorite in our new Tasting Room, and a great cocktail for summer. The herbacious, floral notes from the Earl Grey tea is lovely paired with the abundant [...]
What is better than the first spring cuts of rhubarb? Or the first few strawberries from your garden (or local farmers market). This cocktail is. Seriously. This cocktail takes all of the [...]
This week’s cocktail is a seasonal favorite, this time with our awesome vodka. We love it so much that we’ll be flooding the area with it this coming weekend. Stop by for one while [...]
Here is a lovely, slightly savory, cocktail. Dill is a classic pairing with aquavit, and the cucumber brightens it up. This is a great cocktail to pair with food, too. It’s perfect with [...]