In Seasonal Curaçao Recipes, Tahitian Vanilla Vodka Recipes

Oh, the weather outside is frightful – it’s cold, windy and snowy, and the best way to chase the chill away is to cozy up beside the fire with a mug of something warm, rich & sweet. So, we’re keeping around our house hot chocolate for one more week! This deliciously toasty sipper has deep layers of chocolate, orange & vanilla, all topped off with a swirl of whipped cream.

NSD Hot Chocolate

1½ oz Vacation Curaçao
½ oz Tahitian Vanilla Vodka
2 Tbsp Good Hot Chocolate Mix
1 Orange Swath

Add curaçao, vodka & hot chocolate mix to mug, then fill mug with hot water. Stir, then express the oils from the orange swath into mug and drop in. Garnish with whipped cream.